(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, An NBA Accredited (ECE) & ISO 9001:2015 certified institution.)


Industrial Visit Cum Educational Tour To Wayanad-Ooty-Coimbatore

Department Of CSE Organized An Educational Tour Cum Industrial Visit For IV Year CSE Students To “Wayanad-Ooty-Coimbatore.

“Education is a lifelong journey whose destination expands as you travel.”


  • Students have gained a lot of exposure and the prime focus of this trip is to know about the working of tea factory. Tea factory automation which is fully computerized with latest technology.
  • Students have enriched with the process of Manufacturing tea from the Scratch, different types of leaves used for the process, the machineries used in the process, etc. On the whole it was knowledgeable for the students.
  • The students also engaged in a variety of thrilling adventure activities, Wayanad and zipline, rock climbing and stunt jumping in Ooty.students also visited other places like Edakkal cave in Wayanad and Kuruwadeep, Pine Forest in Ooty.
  • Students have enriched with the knowledge of hand sewing needles, knitting pins and accessories, snap fasteners in Needle Industries (India) Private Limited,.
  • Through this industrial visit, students gained a comprehensive understanding of manufacturing industries. It was an eye-opening and enriching experience for the students which emphasized learning about the importance of sustainable and responsible sourcing during the visit.