(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, An NBA Accredited (ECE) & ISO 9001:2015 certified institution.)



Our AI & DS department students Sandeep V and Yaswant R, successfully completed the “think created engineer” program with mini project “Airport Passenger Feedback System” and “Citizens Grievances Portal”, conducted by Pals at the IIT Madras Campus held from 12.12.2023 - 14.12. 2023

The purpose of attending this PALS program conducted by PALS at IIT Madras Campus helps the student to transform the budding engineer into a creative and innovative engineer. The student is capable to create an application and Yaswant R has done a mini project on CITIZENS GRIEVANCES PORTAL and Sandeep V has done a mini project on AIRPORT PASSENGER FEEDBACK SYSTEM.


  1. Scaling the importance of sustainability
  2. Value of mindset and human psychology
  3. True value of environment and able to create a web application using python.
  4. Communication with IIT’ians and teaching staff was transparent
  5. Freedom was said to be important for learning and struggling students in academic