(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to Anna University,Chennai. An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution, Accredited by NBA (ECE) & NAAC "A++" Grade.)

(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, An NBA Accredited (ECE) & ISO 9001:2015 certified institution.)

S.No Name of the faculty Project Title Funding Agency Amount Duration
1. Dr.C.Ravichandran IOT based Health care Monitoring System integrated with smart ambulance Embedded Plus Solutions, Trichy Rs.56,000 3 Months
2. Mr.S.Senthil kumar IOT based Environmental Monitoring for Smart cities Embedded Plus Solutions, Trichy Rs.39,000 2 Months
3. Dr.P.Sivakumar Wearable Sign Language Translator using Hand Gesture recognition with speech generation VeeEee Technologies Solution Pvt Ltd chennai Rs.1,10,000 6 Months
4. Dr.S.A.Yuvaraj Gyro stabilised Smart handle for people with hand Tremor Signals and solutions Rs.55,000 3 Months
5. Mr.S.Senthil Kumar Smart Non invasive Bone conduction Earplug Chipthing Labs Rs.45,000 3 Months