(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to Anna University,Chennai. An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution, Accredited by NBA (ECE) & NAAC "A++" Grade.)

(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, An NBA Accredited (ECE) & ISO 9001:2015 certified institution.)


  1. Students are expected to greet their teachers and elders with Good morning and use only courteous and polite language with decorum while talking to the members of teaching and non-teaching staff of the College.
  2. Students should refrain from using any insulting, inciting and intimidating language, while talking to their fellow students.
  3. The behavior of the students within the premises or outside shall be conducive to keep up the dignity of the institution.
  4. Students shall be regular and punctual in attending classes and in all activities related to the college.
  5. Students should neither leave the class rooms nor the campus without the prior permission of the Principal during working hours.
  6. On entering into the class, they shall maintain strict discipline, irrespective of the presence or absence of the teacher.
  7. Students are expected to be seated in the lecture halls, at least five minutes before the commencement of the classes. They shall get up and greet the teacher with respect.
  8. Gathering in groups at roads, entrance, corridor or unauthorized places is strictly prohibited.
  9. Stutents are strictly prohibited from defacing or damaging the building or furniture or any material whatsoever in the campus. The cost of any damage so caused will be recovered from the students collectively with fine if, the responsibility for it cannot be fixed on any individual or a group, besides.
  10. Misbehavior, malpractice in Examinations and other domains and other moral delinquencies shall be dealt with severely.
  11. Representation of complaints and grievances if any may be made individually to the Principal through his/her Head of the Department in writing.
  12. Students are expected to read the notice board regularly. Ignorance of any rule/instruction will not be accepted as an excuse for failure to comply with it.
  13. Any property which is lost but found subsequently should be handed over to the office and that the owner can claim it promptly after establishing his/her ownership.
  14. No student shall prevent other students from attending classes.
  15. Students should not take part in communal or political activities.
  16. Students should not organize any meeting within the College premises without the prior permission of the Principal.
  17. Students of the College should not be members of any association unconnected with the College
  18. Students should not circulate any pamphlets of any kind among students or display anything on black boards, notice boards or anywhere within the College premises without the written permission of the Principal.
  19. Students should not contact the press reporters or any media or send reports or broadcast/Telecast anything which would mar the integrity of the college.
  20. Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  21. The Principal’s decision shall be final in the matter of inflicting punishment to the students, for violation of any of the rules of the college.
  22. “Ragging” is strictly prohibited by an act promulgated by the Government of Tamil Nadu with penalty and/or imprisonment. Ragging of any kind is prohibited both in the College campus and in the hostel or outside. Students who are guilty of this offence will be expelled from the college and also handed over to the police for further action in accordance with the government orders.
  23. Students who leave in the middle of the course shall pay the entire fees for the remaining period of the course.


A student studying in U.G. Degree course should secure a minimum of 75% of attendance for appears for the University Examinations. A candidate shall fulfill the following conditions to qualify for completion of the Semester.

  1. A student is expected to attend all classes and secure 100% attendance. However, for unavoidable reasons such as Medical /participation in sports / personal, he/she is expected to secure at least 75% of attendance in all semesters.
  2. However, under the extraordinary circumstances when a student undergoes severe medical problem or represented the College in state or national level, the College reserves the right to condone 10% of the shortage of attendance. In such cases, a student with 65% attendance will be permitted to take University Examinations.
  3. Candidates who secure less than 65% of overall attendance will not be permitted under any circumstances to write the University Examination at the end of the semester. Such students are required to repeat the whole year.


  1. Students should wear clean and decent dress. Wearing Jeans, T. Shirts, Jeans type cotton pants are strictly prohibited inside the campus.
  1. Boys should tuck-in their shirts and wear only Black/Brown leather shoes while they are inside the campus.
  1. Boys students are asked to have a neatly shave (or) trimmed faces and they are not permitted to have any forum of beard like French, Long etc,
  1. Girls should wear only churidhars with dupatta both sides pinned up. Wearing half-sarees, middies, short sleeve tops, tight pants and jeans are strictly prohibited inside the campus.
  2. Students should wear the respective uniforms and shoes to attend their practical classes.
  3. Students are advised not to wear loose-fitting shirts or pants while doing workshop practicals.
  4. Students should compulsorily wear their I.D. cards with sling in the campus, class rooms and also in the college bus, failing which stern action will be taken.


All the Students should make note and abide by the following leave regulations.

To avail one day

Leave letter which is submitted on the previous day should be signed by the Student and the Parents for Day scholars/Warden for Hostellers. (or) In case of unavoidable circumstance, leave letter can be submitted on the same day duly signed by the Parents.

For four days and above

  1. Leave letter should be submitted on the previous day itself with the Parent’s signature (or) Parents may make phone call to the office and inform the Attendance incharge regarding their ward’s leave.
  1. For any family function or Medical reasons, Parents should meet the respective attendance incharge in person to avail leave.
  1. A student studying in U.G. Degree course should secure a minimum of 75% of attendance to appear for the University Examination.

A candidate shall fulfill the following conditions to qualify for completing the Semester as per Anna University Guidelines:

  1. A student is expected to attend all classes and secure 100% attendance. However, for unavoidable reasons such as Medical /participation in sports / personal, he/she is expected to secure at least 75% of attendance in each semester.
  1. However, under extraordinary circumstances when a student undergoes severe medical problem or represents the College in either state or national level competitions, competitions the College reserves the right to condone 10% of the shortage of attendance. In such cases, a student with 65% attendance will be permitted to take University Examination.
  1. Candidates who secure less than 65% of overall attendance will not be permitted under any circumstance to write the University Examination at the end of the semester. Such students are required to repeat the whole year.