(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to Anna University,Chennai. An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution, Accredited by NBA (ECE) & NAAC "A++" Grade.)

(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, An NBA Accredited (ECE) & ISO 9001:2015 certified institution.)

Department of ECE

S.No Title Journal Name / Conference Venue Date Faculties Attended
1. Book chapter entitled, “Smart drowsiness detector to alert surgeons at times of operating Renewable energy with IoT & Biomedical applications Aug 21 Dr. P. SIVAKUMAR
2. Hybrid Descriptor for Joint Video Compression Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research Aug 21 Dr. C. RAVICHANDRAN

Department of CSE

S.No Title Journal Name / Conference Venue Date Faculties Attended
1. End to End security with a Remote Control System for Modern Mobile Communication Technologies. Journal of Network and computer Applications – Elsevier Jul 21 Dr. S. Arumugam Dr. Kamal. N
2. Energy Efficient QoS Aware Cluster Based Multihop Routing Protocol for WSN Tech Science 10.11.21 Mr.M.S.Maharajan

Department of EEE

S.No Title Journal Name / Conference Venue Date Faculties Attended
1. INTL conference on “Recuperation from Hamstring muscle injury using a novel-indigenously developed highly compatible prototype” ICCES 2021 organized by PPG Institute of Technology 08.07.21 to 10.07.21 Dr E. Sankaran
2. Aip publication conference on “Characteristics and Performance of bldcmotor under Different Loads in EV Applications” Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, chennai. 15.07.21 to 16.07.21 Dr.B.Swapna

Department of S&H

S.No Title Journal Name / Conference Venue Date Faculties Attended
1. Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology Jeppiar Institute of Technology, Sriperumbudhar 30.7.21 to 31.7.21 Dr. S.L. Ashok kumar
2. Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology Jeppiar Institute of Technology, Sriperumbudhar 30.7.21 to 31.7.21 Dr. N. Sarathi

Department of Mechanical

S.No Title Journal Name / Conference Venue Date Faculties Attended
1. The effect of process parameter on the milling of AL-6082-T6 alloy was Investigated Experimentally by AWJM Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, Chennai 20.8.21 to 21.8.21 Dr. N.E. Edwin Paul
2. Experimental Investigation of Glass & coconut Fibre with Epoxy Reinforced Composite Material Easwari Engineering College, Chennai 6.9.21 Dr. N.E. Edwin Paul
3. Optimization Of Abrasive Water Jet Machining Parameters Using Taguchi- Simulated Annealing Algorithm Easwari Engineering College, Chennai 6.9.21 Dr. N.E. Edwin Paul
Dr.M. Santhanakumar
4. Abrasive Water jet Drilling On Inconel 718 Easwari Engineering College, Chennai 6.9.21 Dr. N.E. Edwin Paul
Dr.M. Santhanakumar
5. Multi performance Investigation of Inconel-625 by abrasive aqua jet cutting Taylor & Francis 1.12.21 Mr.R.Vijayakumar
6. Optimization of dry cell Electrolyser and hydroxyl gas production to utilize in a diesel engine operated with blends of orange peel oil in dual fuel mode ELSEVIER 2.12.21 Mr.S.Dhileepan